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Raffaello 1520-1483.

Roma, Scuderie del Quirinale, March 5 - June 2, 2020.
Edited by Faietti M. and Lafranconi M.
Milano, 2020; paperback, pp. 544, 400 col. ill., cm 22x28.
(Cataloghi di Arte Antica).

cover price: € 46.00

Raffaello 1520-1483.

Total price: € 46.00 € 146.80 add to cart carrello

Books included in the offer:

Raffaello 1520-1483.

Roma, Scuderie del Quirinale, March 5 - June 2, 2020.
Edited by Faietti M. and Lafranconi M.
Milano, 2020; paperback, pp. 544, 400 col. ill., cm 22x28.
(Cataloghi di Arte Antica).

FREE (cover price: € 46.00)

Raffaello 1520-1483.

Da Raffaello a Goya... da Van Gogh a Picasso. 50 dipinti dal Museu de Arte di San Paolo del Brasile

Trento, Palazzo delle Albere, September 18 - November 15, 1987.
Edited by Camesasca E.
Milano, 1987; paperback, pp. 240, b/w and col. ill., tavv., cm 23x27.
(Grandi Mostre).

FREE (cover price: € 25.00)

Da Raffaello a Goya... da Van Gogh a Picasso. 50 dipinti dal Museu de Arte di San Paolo del Brasile

Alla mensa del Signore. Capolavori della pittura europea da Raffaello a Tiepolo

Edited by Giovanni Morello.
Torino, 2011; paperback, pp. 256, b/w ill., 111 col. plates, cm 24x28.

FREE (cover price: € 35.00)

Alla mensa del Signore. Capolavori della pittura europea da Raffaello a Tiepolo


Milano, 1990; paperback, pp. 118, col. ill., col. plates, cm 23x27.
(Grandi Tascabili Economici. 0009.).

FREE (cover price: € 15.00)


Miseria e nobiltà. Gaetano Costa, la cucina dei contrasti

Milano, 2013; paperback, pp. 128, ill., cm 15x19.

FREE (cover price: € 12.90)

Miseria e nobiltà. Gaetano Costa, la cucina dei contrasti

La cucina vip. Alessandro Circiello, le ricette per le star

Milano, 2013; paperback, pp. 128, ill., cm 15x19.

FREE (cover price: € 12.90)

La cucina vip. Alessandro Circiello, le ricette per le star


Carpatcher or Carpaccio? Carpaccio and 19th century anglo-american writers in Venice

Supernova Edizioni

English Text.
Venezia, 2023; paperback, pp. 88, ill., cm 15x21.
(Storia di Venezia).

series: Storia di Venezia

ISBN: 88-6869-322-4 - EAN13: 9788868693220

Subject: Essays (Art or Architecture),Monographs (Painting and Drawing),Painting

Languages:  english text  

Weight: 0 kg

The re-discovery of Vittore Carpaccio in the 19th century has been generally attributed to John Ruskin. Is this true? No doubt this is so in the Anglo-Saxon world, as shown by a 1924 story by American writer Edith Wharton, where John Ruskin becomes a fictional character causing the protagonist to change his tastes in favor of the "primitives" and Carpaccio. The focus is then on Ruskin and Henry James, admirers of Carpaccio, and on other great American writers of the 19th century who ignored the painter. An English woman critic, very popular in the 1850s, Anna Jameson, wrote at length on him. By the end of the 19th century seeing Carpaccio was a "must" for visitors going to Venice. The popularity of Carpaccio is reconstructed on the basis of two diaries, Lady Layard's and Zina Hulton's: not only had D'Annunzio a bed like St. Ursula's made for him, but a French lawyer had a whole room like St. Ursula's, in "The Dream of St. Ursula", built for him in his Venetian Palazzo.


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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci